How To Offer Prasadam (Food) Under The PremBhaav (Love) Principle

Aditi Trivedi
3 min readJul 31, 2023


Prem Bhaav (Love for the Divine) has got so much of unrestrained transcendental power that if a person, who’s completely tinted in its hues, simple sings an average melody, the melody turns into a levitating Kirtan (Glorification). And with Prem (Love), if a house is being built, the house converts into a Temple.

If a Premi (Lover) drinks water, it turns into the sweetest Nector, and travel becomes a blissful Teerth (Pilgrimage). And, with Prem, actions become Service and food becomes Maha Prasadam (Holy Food).

The grounds of these mystical transformations are very simple.

For the Prem Rasiks (Love Jollies), their Prem i.e., Ishwar (God) is their topmost authority, their biggest power, and above all, their EVERYTHING.

The MahaBhaav (Emotional Excellency) in such saintly souls is so intense that they can’t even imagine taking a single breadth without dedicating it to their Lord. They just can’t do anything without the involvement of the Divine, and they’re proud of this disability!! (which, in turn, is the highest bliss in disguise).

Just for the briefest second of Darshan (Sight) of their Eternal Sarwasva (Everything), a Premi Jan (Lover) won’t even think twice and put all his/her material Sarwasva on bet. That’s the profound Viraha Bhaav (Pain of Separation) they have for Him.

Their Bhakti Yoga knows no limits. Even if Vedic instructions don’t align with their Prem Bhaav, they’ll be comfortable in canceling them out. For these Rasik Shiromanis (Love Jewels), Prem is above all, whatsoever.

But for an average human, it may be questionable as to how come Prem be more superior than our age-old rich Shastras. After all, every Sewa (Service) done to Bhagwan (God) should be in accordance with the Vedic culture (atleast this is what we’ve been hearing from day one).

But when it comes to Prem, all roads diverge!

Lord’s superiority in Prem is so much that just for His convenience, a Rasik can violate all Vedic rules without any hesitation.

Now, lets come to the topic in hand..

Under the Vedic approach, whenever a Devotee eats food, he must offer it to God first, and only then take it. By doing so, the nature of our food becomes Sattvik and it nurishes not only our body, but mind and soul as well.

But a Rasik would never advise or follow such code. They believe that it’s just not done; to offer Bhog (Food Offering) before tasting it themselves.

Their emotion is always like — I must taste it first, so as to know if there’s any issue in any aspect (for e.g.. amount of salt in the sabzi (Veggies), or sweetness of the dessert). If there’s any need for correction in the taste, He/she must correct it, and taste it again. And after He’s sure that now the food is good enough to be offered, only then He should present it to the Lord.

That’s precisely the reason why Vedic approach and Prem approach follow different suits on many topics.

Shastras instruct to offer Bhog to God first. But Prem makes YOU to have it first.

And this is the most beautiful aspect of love, isn’t it ! All paths turn upside down in here showcasing the innate nature of Prem!

Whosoever has Prem in their hearts, their every act becomes Prem-mayi (Like Love), of which, this Prasadam Offering is just another example!



Aditi Trivedi

Content Writer | Poetess | Reader | Blogger | Transcendentalist